Public Health Practice
The Division of Public Health Practice strengthens population and community health by advancing public health practice. Our central focus is working in equitable partnership with public health entities so that they will ultimately better serve their constituencies.
What We Do
Our educational activities focus in two areas.
Workforce Development
The division previously implemented the Community Scholars Program, low-cost workshops offered throughout the year, covering a range of public health topics. The primary aim of this program is to provide capacity-building support to public health organizations. Participants gain knowledge, skills, and resources that nurture their professional development and help their organizations flourish.
The division has supported the Public Health Bootcamp, an intensive five-day training program that aims to improve the quality and effectiveness of HIV prevention and care services in metropolitan Chicago by training HIV/AIDS organizational leaders in core concepts of public health science, theory and practice. We co-develop and conduct training and co-learning activities with public health entities.
Educational Infusion
The division partnered with the Program in Public Health to bring public health education into other Feinberg education programs. One example is the DPT/MPH Program, which integrates human movement sciences and public health to train population-health-oriented physical therapists.
Our research activities focus on public health practice relevance. Through equitable partnerships, we collaborate with public health entities on investigations that prioritize their research questions.
For example, we partnered with Cook County Health to create quality programming that trains physicians who will improve health through the practice of public health and population-based medicine. The Primary Care Training Enhancement Community Prevention Maternal Health grant awarded by the Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) trains primary care physicians in maternal health and population health to improve maternal health outcomes. This five-year project establishes learning experiences for residents through partnerships and collaborations with community organizations, academic institutions, local health departments working to improve maternal mortality, morbidity, and maternal health disparities.